django CMS Helper reference


Commands take the general form:

djangocms-helper <application> <command> [options ...]

where <application> is the Django application name and <command> is a Django supported command, or one of the djangocms-helper commands detailed below. Options vary for each command.

Common options

  • --extra-settings=path: loads the extra settings from the provided file instead of the default
  • cms: loads django CMS specific options (see –cms option for details)

Django commands

django CMS Helper supports any Django command available according to the project setup; the general syntax is:

djangocms-helper <application> <command> [options] [--extra-settings=</path/to/>] [--cms]

Example: djangocms-helper some_application shell --cms


  • <command> is any available Django command
  • [options] is any option/argument accepted by the above command


djangocms-helper <application> test [--failfast] [--migrate] [<test-label>...] [--xvfb] [--runner=<test.runner.class>] [--extra-settings=</path/to/>] [--cms] [--simple-runner] [--runner-options=<option1>,<option2>]

Example: djangocms-helper some_application test --cms

Runs the application’s test suite in django CMS Helper’s virtual environment.


  • <test-label>: a space-separated list of tests to run; test labels depends on the runner test suite building protocol, please, refer to the runner documentation to know the test label format;


  • --runner: custom test runner to use in dotted path notation;
  • --runner-options=<option1>,<option2>: comma separated list of command line options for the test runner: e.g. --runner-options=--with-coverage,--cover-package=my_package
  • --failfast: whether to stop at first test failure;
  • --migrate: use migrations (default);
  • --persistent: use persistent storage for media and static; by default storage is created
    in data directory in the root of the application; if a different directory is needed, use --persistent-path to provide the path;
  • --persistent-path: persistent storage path, instead of data
  • --no-migrate: skip migrations;
  • --boilerplate: adds aldryn-boilerplates configuration to settings;
  • --xvfb: whether to configure xvfb (for frontend tests);
  • --simple-runner use Django DjangoTestSuiteRunner
  • --native use the native Django command: the use of this option is incompatible with the options above.

Test structure

Currently two different tests layouts are supported:

  • tests outside the application module:
  • tests inside the application:

Depending on the used test runner you may need to setup your tests accordingly.

The default runner is the Django one, but it’s possible to specify your own custom runner with the --runner option.


djangocms-helper <application> cms_check [--extra-settings=</path/to/>] [--migrate]

Runs the django CMS cms check command.

Example: djangocms-helper some_application cms_check

update and compile locales

djangocms-helper <application> makemessages [--extra-settings=</path/to/>] [--cms] [--locale=locale]
djangocms-helper <application> compilemessages [--extra-settings=</path/to/>] [--cms]


djangocms-helper some_application makemessages --cms
djangocms-helper some_application compilemessages --cms

These two commands compiles and update the locale messages.


  • --locale=locale: makemessages allows a single option to choose the locale to update.
    If not provided en is used.


djangocms-helper <application> makemigrations [--extra-settings=</path/to/>] [--cms] [--merge] [--dry-run] [--empty] [<extra-applications>...]

Updates the application migrations (south migrations or Django migrations according to the current installed Django version). For South, it automatically handles initial and auto options.


  • --merge: Enable fixing of migration conflicts (for Django 1.7+ only)
  • --empty: It generates an empty migration for customisations
  • --dry-run: Does not create migrations file (for Django 1.7+ only)


  • <extra-applications>: Spaces separated list of applications to migrate


djangocms-helper <application> squashmigrations <migration-name>

Runs the squashmigrations command. It operates on the current application.


  • <migration-name>: Squash migrations until this migration


djangocms-helper <application> pyflakes [--extra-settings=</path/to/>] [--cms]

Performs static analysis using pyflakes, with the same configuration as django CMS.


djangocms-helper <application> authors [--extra-settings=</path/to/>] [--cms]

Generates an authors list from the git log, in a form suitable for the AUTHORS file.


djangocms-helper <application> server [--port=<port>] [--bind=<bind>] [--extra-settings=</path/to/>] [--cms]

Starts a runserver instance.