
Migrating from djangocms-helper to django-app-helper

This project used to be called djangocms-helper. It’s been renamed in version 2.0 to clarify that it’s not limited to django CMS apps.

Migration is straightforward as it does not require any change to the codebase:

  • all imports from djangocms_helper namespace are still valid and they won’t be deprecated soon

  • runner filername cms_helper.py is still valid and it won’t be deprecated soon

Migration path

  • Replace djangocms-helper package name from any dependendency declaration (setup.py, tox.ini, requirements.txt …)

That’s it!

Bugfixes and further development

Bugfixes to djangocms-helper 1.2.x will be released until reasonable under the old package name, while new features (including new Django / django CMS versions support will only be available in the django-app-helper package).